Kim Alexis & Ernest

November 15, 2025 • Jobstown, NJ
247 Days To Go!

Kim Alexis & Ernest

November 15, 2025 • Jobstown, NJ
247 Days To Go!

Our Story

All Because Two People Swiped Right...

Picture of All Because Two People Swiped Right...

Kim and Ernie met through Bumble! It was a snowy Monday when they were messaging and decided why wait too long to meet each other. They met for Taco Tuesday the following day, December 3, 2019, at Loteria in Asbury Park. After hours of chatter and cold tacos, they knew this would be something special. They embraced the time Ernie was home from work and the two became inseparable. Ernie asked Kim to be his girlfriend on New Year's Eve. Months later, Ernie started his first hitch of their relationship. What the couple thought would be about 60 days apart turned into 150 days. But that didn't get in the way of their story, it just made his return home that much better.

Fast forward 9 hitches, their "see you laters" are never easy but Ernie's time landside is that much more special. Their closer adventures include weekends to the Poconos and Cape May. Furthermore, they've traveled around the world with each other to Jamaica, Italy, and Greece. But some of their fondest memories are simply running errands with one another.

On a getaway to their beloved Cape May, Ernie asked Kim to marry him at sunset on August 27, 2024. It was Kim's easiest yes. They're ecstatic to start this next chapter of their lives and celebrate their love surrounded by their friends and family.